Couples Counseling

Is the Emotional Toll of Infertility Hurting Your Relationship? 5 Tips to Help You Keep Your Relationship Strong

Is the Emotional Toll of Infertility Hurting Your Relationship? 5 Tips to Help You Keep Your Relationship Strong

Dealing with infertility can feel like a major life crisis and may be one of the biggest struggles a couple can face. Having struggled with infertility myself, I can tell you that infertility takes an emotional and physical toll and can negatively impact self-esteem, body image, sexual identity, sexual relations, and life goals.  

Make 2017 Your Breakout Year: 5 Tips to Break Out of Old Patterns and Live Authentically

Make 2017 Your Breakout Year: 5 Tips to Break Out of Old Patterns and Live Authentically

A new year is a perfect time to think about renewal and change. Many of us repeat behavior patterns without even realizing that we’re on auto-pilot. Being on auto-pilot is comfortable and easy, but it’s also easy to fall into behaviors that are ultimately self-destructive. When you want to become the best you can be and live authentically, it’s time to take a look at your default mode. The things you do every day may need to change. Here are some things you can do to start making these positive changes.2017